Stage 1 Extras: Local Landscape Tasks
For this task, I was asked to go on a photo-shoot and photograph a variety of landscapes in the local area, to comprise a set of final photos, using a variety of composition and editing techniques. Firstly, we visited the Pallant House Art Exhibition to see some artistic visions and techniques to inspire us for our landscape photography, when we later visited Chichester town centre.
We viewed and analysed a lot of Simon Roberts work, who is a British artist and photographer famous for his expansive landscape photographs and in-depth studies.
His landscape photography is famous for communicating messages on important social, economic and political issues. Additionally, when we studied his work in Pallant House, we also viewed one of his video edits of landscapes. He cut and edited his footage very intelligently, to create an impressive piece of visual art, conveying how different ladnscapes can flow into eachother.
Throughout this piece of work he used many different editing processes, such as the use of match-cuts and cutting on natural action, such as the cutting in time with a sheep aimlessly wondering to the edge of the shot.
Artist: Simon Roberts
Within his work he uses many different photographic compositional techniques, such as leading lines made out of the natural beatuy of nature, rule of thirds to gradually split his images into parts making for very eye-catching art, and focul points to draw you to a certain area in the picture and to take you on a visual journey through his work. He uses a variety of colours, such as shades of blues blending with greens and yellows, and the simplistic colours of the countryside, seem to be a recurring theme in lots of his landscape work. Furthermore, during his photographic edits and paintings, these colours can be used to symbolise the season, for instance, browns, oranges and greys are used in one of his paintings, so that the viewer receives an autumnal atmosphere from the image, making them feel connected to it in a deeper way.
In comparison to the traditional landscape paintings in the gallery, his media work is usually less abstract in its communication to the viewer, and tends to use more naturalistic landscapes and ideas, making them more relatable and easily distinguishable from other artists in the Pallant House gallery.
Photoshoot: (Local Landscapes)
My Final Edited Photos From The Shoot: (Local Landscapes)
During the photo-shoot in Chichester, I used a variety of composition techniques and camera-work skills, to produce photos ready to be edited and finalised in Photoshop. One of the things I used to great effect was the manual focus on the camera, this allowed me to focus on the brick wall so that the high-street and people would be blurred, symbolising the hustle and bustle of the busy street, creating a very atmospheric photograph, shown in the top-left of the collage. Furthermore, I experimented with the depth of field to create a blurry foreground of the leaves in the bottom-right photograph, to act as framing for the photo and to draw your eyes into the centre of the photo. I could have used depth of field better in this scenario to make the leaves more blurry in the foreground to create a greater contrast in focus for a more interesting photograph. Additionally, I used conventions such as leading line, framing and rule-of-thirds, to produce interesting images.
Simon Roberts's artistic visions in his paintings and photographs influenced me during my photo shoot, to go for a modern day landscape, such as the local high-street, within my work, and I tried to incorporate leading line and rule-of-thirds, which were the main conventions I noticed Roberts using.
I believe my Photoshop skills improved greatly whilst editing these photographs, as I now understand how to use certain filters such as lens flare, which made for a very dramatic photograph. Also, I now understand how to use the magic wand tool, which provided a brilliant alternative to the magnetic lasso tool, saving me time during my edits. Moreover, I continued to improve my use of curves to create dramatic contrasts in my images for great effect.
Shot Types Video (Shakespeare History):
I created a very basically edited video to show examples of some of the shot types used in film and to practice using the simple tools and techniques in Adobe Premiere Pro. We worked in a group to set up the cameras and choose the shot types for each scene:
Simon Roberts Photography, 14 July 2014, The Eye Of Photography
Simon Roberts Image, Portrait © Lewis Khan, 2018.