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Reflection & Problem Solving

Reflection 1:


•At the start of the project, what do you pre-empt will be the problem areas?


The equipment available to me may make it challenging to provide a high-level of production quality in the final presentation, however, with planning such as location recces and research the technical aspects of the cameras and software, I should be able to overcome this. Time management could also prove to be difficult as there is a lot of work to be done, and I need to consistently keep my work to the best of my ability, although planning my days and production schedule will help me achieve this. I may also struggle with certain visual planning aspects such as storyboarding, as drawing is not my strong point; creating my storyboard digitally by drawing over images of my scouted and chosen locations for each scene will help me in this area.   


• In your coursework projects, what have been the most challenging aspects? What can you do to manage these potential problems?


In my previous coursework projects, camera operating has been challenging at times to be able to produce eye-catching and high-quality shots, especially with a lack of lighting equipment, although I was able to improve this in the post-production edit through colouring. I will enquire about lighting equipment available to us in the college, to allow me to improve the feel and style of my shots in the FMP.


Furthermore, coming up with exciting and creative concepts that are going to interest me throughout the individual coursework projects was difficult, however during the FMP, we are given much more freedom in what we can produce, meaning I can tailor my own work to my personal interests to allow me to enjoy the learning process more.


Additionally, learning Adobe Photoshop was challenging for me at first, as I was very inexperienced in this software at the beginning of the course, however I feel much more confident in using it now, as a result of online research and watching tutorials, as well as working with peers to improve and expand our technical skill-sets. 

Reflection 2:


• How effectively are you planning your FMP to focus on areas of strength?


• I have effectively tailored my planning for my FMP to focus on my own personal areas of strength. I have chosen the product of a short documentary, as this allows me to focus on my strengths of camera operating, editing and research, from the pre-production all the way through to the post-production process.


• What problems do you pre-empt in making your project?


Some of the problems I may face could be with lighting certain scenes during filming, due to a lack of equipment, however I will take this into account and ensure I film in locations with a lot of natural light or with bright lighting already put in place. My local gym, where I will be filming a range of shots for the documentary, has a lot of bright white lighting, so this should not be too much of an issue. Furthermore, an issue I may have is that the processor in the college computer’s may struggle to cope with the high-quality footage and a range of post-production, visual effects that will be added to my work, I can counteract this by reducing the playback quality during editing on Adobe Premiere Pro, or if all else fails I can edit some of work at home on my personal computer.


• What will be the most significant areas of research into media products?


I believe the most significant research into media products will be when I analyse existing documentaries on fitness and muscle building, as I will be able to understand the filming and editing styles used and incorporate this into my own work, before putting a twist on it by adding advanced video effects, to make it my own. Furthermore, the research into the media product of a modern music video will help inspire me with the kind of video effects and transitions that I could implement into certain areas of my documentary in the post-production edit.


• What will be the most challenging technical aspects?


Filming well-composed, high quality footage, using creative camera shots and angles will be challenging; I want to take my camera work up a level for the FMP, as I believe this will make a large difference to my work and improve the visuals of the final presentation. Additionally, I aim to edit my work to an industry-level standard, meaning I will have to think very carefully about the cuts between shots during filming and editing, the pace of the documentary, the order of the scenes, which video effects are appropriate and suit the style of the documentary as a whole. This will be challenging, but I believe putting in the extra work and thinking carefully about each scene will improve the flow and content in the short documentary, which should ensure my product is well received by my active target audience of 16-18-year olds.


• How are you are being ambitious in your project aims?


My aims and ideas for this project are ambitious, as I enjoy watching gym content on YouTube in my spare time, and these videos are usually made to a very high standard, and I am hoping to reach or surpass this level in my own style, through the medium of a short documentary. The filming equipment and my level of experience in filming could make this difficult, but I am willing to put in the extra work to learn new filming techniques and styles, to take my work to a higher level.


• How realistic are your aims?


My aims are well-thought out, realistic and achievable; the ideas I have had so far for the filming locations are local, meaning I could always go back and re-shoot if the work was not up to standard. Furthermore, I have made many videos in the past so I am confident in editing and bringing the work together to create a final product. Also, I am fairly knowledgeable and experienced in the topics that will be discussed in the short documentary, of fitness, muscle building, dieting, etc, meaning my work will be informative as well as entertaining, to keep my target audience engaged during the learning process. I will be able to research into these topics further to bring more information and useful strategies into the documentary.


• Why have you chosen this project concept? What are you most excited about? Why?


I have chosen this project concept of a short documentary as I believe it is a different style to the videos I produce in my spare time, which are usually fast-paced montages, meaning I can learn and develop new editing techniques, whilst implementing my existing skills into the product, to make it my own. I also have chosen this project concept as I really enjoy going the gym and it something I am very passionate about, and I look forward to combining these skills with my ability in producing media products. I am most excited about the idea of editing the workout montage scene, which will most likely be of myself and more older brother, as I believe I can implement a variety of video effects and techniques, such as masking, motion blur, overlays, colour grading, to make this section of the documentary very visually engaging and exciting to watch. 


Peer Critique 1:


• Partner: Miles Borgars


• What do you think their strengths are, as a media creator?


Editing and compositing videos. Planning and creative vision for a project. Understanding of the editorial process.


• Read their rationale: do you agree with their summary of their progress this year?


Yes, as their Lookbook project was very impressive seeing it was the first time using Premiere Pro. However I disagree with their magazine project statement as, in review, I believe that it is a very good piece of work, despite the lack of photoshop skill. He was able to stick to the brief and develop a media product which was very similar to his proposal.


• Explain their concept: How realistic is the idea? Do you think they can achieve in the timescale?


I think their idea is very realistic, as they have stated the places they would like to film and elements they would like to include. The only challenge might be filming within the gym, however this is still very acheiveable. He has set out exactly what he wants to do, and basing it off his previous projects, he can achieve this within the timescale. He has already selected locations that are realistic.


• How ambitious is the idea? Should they aim to accomplish more, or to learn more new processes etc?


I think they should aim to learn new editing processes. I feel that this will boost the quality of their video to a much higher standard. I feel their idea is already reasonably ambitious; with different aspects planned to be included (e.g. dieting, building muscle etc).


• How well does it suit their skills and intended specialism?


I believe it suits their specialism massively as they will be able to focus on editing in Premiere Pro, where they already have major strength. I feel they will be able to create a really good product with the skills he already possesses and also the skills he will adopt within this project. He also mentioned about doing an interview which will favour him if he choses to go into journalism, especially if it is sports journalism.


• Why will it be engaging for the 16-18 audience? How can this be improved?


A lot of the 16-18 year old audience have an interest in sport and fitness and are at an age where they might start going to the gym, and so this video will be highly engaging for them. It will also be engaging for those who just have a basic interest in sport as it’ll be relatable and verge upon inspiring. It could be improved by potentially adding in an interview with James himself being interviewed on his experience and his personal thoughts on the subjects he will focus on in the video.


• How can their idea be informed by the BBC guidelines on content and representation?


He could feature other people from the gym in his video to showcase diversity in an authentic way as it will fit the theme of the video.


• Can you suggest areas to improve or change? Give reasons:


I personally think that James himself should try and include an interview of himself, to bring a relatable feeling to the audience as he is one within that age range.

Reflection 3:


• Week’s remaining of FMP: 10


• My aims for today/this week were:


The main things I wanted to acheive were to continue planning, as well as to complete and upload my formal proposal and present my pitch of my project concept to the class. 


• I have made the following progress:


I have organised my project as a whole and positioned my work accordingly on my website. I have completed my formal proposal, as well as created a presentation, rehearsed and perfomed my pitch to the class, before receving very positive feedback, allowing me to understand more about my target audience. 


• Things that went well:


Writing and finalising the project concept gave me a clear idea and intention for my work during the FMP, and the pathway that I am going to take along with the styles used that will enable me to target my young and active audience of 16-18-year olds. Furthermore, planning, producing a presentation and performing my pitch, gave me a clear insight into how my project will attract my target audience, through my creative visions and styles. I was able to observe my audience's responses along with the positive feedback from my teacher to see that the vision in my mind and being shown on my presentation had the potential to be very successful.


• Aspects that need to be improved:


I need to improve my use of visual planning and begin developing new techniques to help me visualise my project concept before production day, such as producing a storyboard or an animatic.


• What did you gain from the pitch:


My communication and presentation skills were put to the test and improved as a result, I had to speak clearly and convey my ideas eliquantly, to make my product appeal to them. Also, I received veyr positive feedback confirming that I have developed a suitable ocnept for my project.


• How well organised were you today/this week?


I was well organised this week and used clear and constructive planning to ensure that I could complete all the intended tasks to a high standard before the end of the week.


• How effectively did you use research to inform creative development?


I have used research into different media products to understand how I can use different syles such as advanced visual effects, sweeping camera angles and modern music to target my young audience. Furthermore, I have spent time watching and analysing an interview from a director to enable me to understand the processes behind productions in the industry, to help prepare me for the future as well as to enable me to use high-level processes during the development of my FMP. 


• How effectively did you use tutorials? What did you learn? How effectively did you learn new tools? How has this helped production?


I researched the world famous director of Christopher Nolan, and analysed an interview on him covering the topic of directing. This helped me understand and learn many useful ways to make your film productions stand out and be successful, through researching and understanding the quipment being used on set, and to sticking to the idea that you are passionate about as this will help your work be distinguishable from others, increasing its overall success in the industry, as a result. This will help me in my production, as I will ensure I am passionate about my vision and idea for the shoot, and that I understand and know the ins-and-outs of the equipment used to enable me to produce high-quality and creative workl through utilising the tools given to me in the best way possible.


• How did you monitor quality:


I have monitored my quality through checking my work through with my peers, and through the feedback I received on my pitch which enabled me to assess how successful my project concept and ideas have been.


• How did you respond to feedback?


I responded to feedback by answering questions at the end of my pitch, this enabled me to flesh out my ideas elequintly, to ensure my target audience were fully on board with my short documentary, 'Ambition'.


• Are you on schedule to meet all deadlines?


Through use of daily/weekly planning and staying on top of all tasks by listing what I need to acheive next, I have ensured I have enough time to complete all the tasks to the best of my ability before the project deadline in approximately 10 weeks time.


Reflection 4:


• Week’s remaining of FMP: 9


• My aims for today/this week were:


I had several aims and tasks that I wanted to complete this week such as to complete the remianing visual planning methods before I start shooting for my production. For example, I needed to produce a location recce, storyboarding and further mood boards, to help me flesh out my creative vision. I also wanted to complete the written planning methods of a shot list, script and risk assessments, to give me a greater understanding of my concept and how it could be made possible. Additionally, I wanted to practice my filming through shooting scenes for a workout montage VT which will be included in ym documentary. 

I also aimed to analyse another gym-based video to help inspire me in my own work, as an extension task.


• I have made the following progress:


I worked in an effective and organised manner this week and mnaged to complete the follow tasks.


1) Shooting Script

2) Location Recce 

3) Mood boards

4) Storyboarding

5) Shot list

6) Risk Assessment

7) First shoot for workout montage VT


• Things that went well:

The visual and written planning methods were really effective in helping me to think of ideas and finalise them before shooting for my short documentary, 'Ambition.' My first shoot helped me to feel comfortable with the equipment I have available to me, and I could see the vision I have had during planning coming together. I used the surfaces of the location and the equipment within it to create visually engaging shots, to engage my young target audience of 16-18-year-olds.


• Aspects that need to be improved:


My storyboarding was a little rough and after producing a shot list I have new ideas for the storyboard, so I will be needing to make a second version before shooting, to ensure my intentions are clear. During my test/first shoot for the workout segment of my documentary, it became clear to me that I may need someone in my family to help me shoot videos, so that not all the shots are still on a tripod, to provide variety and a new dynamic to the workout VT.


• How well organised were you today/this week?


I effectively listed and planned the tasks I wanted to carry out and complte by the end of the week, and remained on task, allowing me to do so.


• How effectively did you use research to inform creative development?


My research into planning methods such as risk assessments and shot lists, helped me understand how to set out these methods in an organised and clear way, and all the extra details and information I neded to include, to help me prepare for my production.


• How did you monitor quality:


I have monitored my quality through checking my work through with my peers, and through the feedback I received on my pitch which enabled me to assess how successful my project concept and ideas have been.


• How did you respond to feedback?


I responded to the feedback from my teacher which I received via email due to college closures, where he suggested I focused on visual planning techniques this week, due to the uncertainty about the project as a whole within the current environment.  After hearing this feedback, I made sure I had completed a first version of all the different planning methods available to me over the course of the week.


• Are you on schedule to meet all deadlines?


I am cureently ahead of schedule with the work I have completed, and through the use of precise and thoughtful planning I have been able to complete the tasks I aimed to cover at the beginning of the week. 


• Reflection 5:


• Week’s remaining of FMP: 9


• My aims for today/this week were:


• Begin editing the first version of the VT and building new techniques in Sony Vegas to create exciting visuals in order to attract my young and active target audience of 16-18 year olds.

• Continue editing and implementing video effects into the workout montage VT

• Take screenshots of skills used and problems faced, to analyse in my Practical Skills section and to reflect on at the end of the session.

• Complete and render the first version of the workout montage VT to use as a segment within my documentary as a whole. 

• Write up about my techniques used in my Practical Skills page.

• Reflect on my work and how I tackled the problems I faced regarding a lack of equipment, working by myself, and any issues I faced during the editing process.


• I have made the following progress:


I have edited and rendered a first version of the workout montage VT, to be used within my documentary as a whole, after carrying out test shoots and learning new editing techniques in Sony Vegas 13, as this is the software I have available to me from home. I have explained how I used these techniques in my Practical Skills page, clearly with imagery and screenshots to show evidence.


Furthermore, I have created a revised plan for my documentary due to the lack of equipment and working from home, and explained how I will still be able to make a final product.  


• Things that went well:

I was really pleased with the outcome of my first rendered version of the workout montage, and I believe the dynamic styles and visual editing techniques, set the tone for the rest of the documentary. I believe that the use of video effects, such as 'glow' and 'light rays' helped me acheive this and will allow me to target my audience through the eye catching visuals and scenes that they have enabled me to create.


• Aspects that need to be improved:


I need to explain the editing techniques that could be improved more, and what other editors, directors and media products have influenced me in the making of my work. I will document any tutorials I have watched and used to help benefit my work in my Practical Skills page.


• How well organised were you today/this week?


I was organised this week from start to finish, using planning and to-do-lists to ensure I had covered everything I intended to, to the best of my ability. 


• How effectively did you use research to inform creative development?


I researched into practical-based editing tutorials in Sony Vegas, to help me to understand how to use the more advanec video effects that I haven't experimented with much before, to allow me to take my project to the highest-level possible within the current restraints of equipment and resources. 


• How did you monitor quality:


I monitored quality through comparing my work to other media products that I have analysed, in particular the 'Train For Life - David Laid' short documentary, as I really enjoy the dynamic editing styles and camerawork they use to give a real sense of professionalism to the production. I also stayed in contact with some of my peers to see how they were getting on and to receieve some online peer feedback, whilst remaining in touch with my college lecturer, to ensure I had all the content that I need.


• How effectively did you use tutorials? What did you learn? How effectively did you learn new tools? How has this helped production?


I have watched several tutorials online to try and find new, advanced video effects to implement into my short documentary to make it unique and a appeal to my target audience of 16-18-year-olds. One that particularly stood out to me was was the 'Glitch+RGB Effect' where a combination of effects such as TV simulator, colour correction, and experimenting with the displacement map. It is a complex process but I believe through research and practice I can make it work and suit the style of my documentary, and provide visually interesting transitions. 

glitch efffect screenshotr.png

I also found a video demonstrating a free transitions pack for sony vegas softaware, which conveyed many exciting effects and transitions, and I will try and install this to benefit my final product. This could take the visuals and the dynamics of my scenes to another level and I am excited to experiement with them. â€‹



• Are you on schedule to meet all deadlines?​


Once I have created a new and final production schedule to allow me to work from home for the rest of the project during the practical process of filming and editing, I will be on shcedule to meet all final deadlines.


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